ClimbHI Exposure Fair Introduces
Students to Varied Career Paths
By Jennifer Sudick | Kohala Mountain News
September 27, 2024

Fifty-eight businesses and organizations participated from industries including hospitality, tourism, and fashion and beauty; aeronautical and maritime transportation; engineering, architecture and construction; law enforcement and military; healthcare and health services; education; nonprofits; and much more.
The event, which reimagines and transforms the hiring process, was held at The Westin Hapuna Beach Resort. The fi rst-ever West Hawaii Exposure Fair was held in December 2023.
Exposure Fairs are more eff ective than typical career fairs due in part to the “speed-dating” style that allows participants to uncover more opportunities. Businesses also benefit from dedicated time with participants by sharing career paths that lead to economic self-sufficiency here in our islands. By exposing students to high-quality careers with a clear progression plan well before graduation, we are helping them understand the requirements and experience needed to begin their path to success.
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